One big emphasis of China’s government in the last few years has been the need for reform of the financial sector, and this seems important to me, too. Many of the problems that the US and the world economy experienced during the Great Recession of 2008-2009 emerged from the financial sector. In China, there are changes underway in the regulation of banks, insurance companies, and securities firms. The People’s Bank of China has been evolvingin how it carries out monetary and credit policies. One important lesson from global experienceis to pay close attention when the amount of borrowing and credit risesdramatically in any given area of an economy, because sometimes it is a danger sign.
There’s a basic formula for economic growth. It has four ingredients:investment in physical capital, workers with more human capital (that is, skilland education), new technology, and mixing these first three ingredients together in a situation where there are incentives for innovation,entrepreneurship, and hard work. The early stages of China’s economic development focused mostly on high levels of investment in physical capital andchanging the incentives for entrepreneurship and work. But in the last coupleof decades, there is an ongoing shift toward more growth coming from humancapital and new innovation and technology.
玉米早评:国内现货稳中偏强,现货均价1853.5元/吨,山东河北地区个别深加工企业收购价上涨10-20元/吨。 供给方面,政策粮出库稳步推进,30、31号计划拍卖796万吨,实际成交380万吨,成交率47.7%,成交均价1517,单周成交率成交均价再创近三个月新高,市场看涨情绪浓重,本周9月6号、7号再出800万吨拍卖公告。华北早春玉米少量上市,距新粮集中上市还有30天左右时间。 消费方面,非洲猪瘟持续发酵,养殖户继续抛售,饲料终端消费疲软;深加工企业刚性补库需求仍存,但整体消费无明显改善。 综合来看,距新粮集中大量上市前这一段时间,正值供应空窗期,加之减产炒作、种植成本增加等因素,短期价格仍有一定的上涨空间,然临储拍卖亦将限制上涨幅度;待新粮大量上市,产量尘埃落定后,价格将重回稳定区间运行,若减产预期得到验证,将支撑价格重心上移。 操作上,新粮上市前维持震荡偏多思路,多单持有。关注临储玉米拍卖市场、下游需求变化以及新作玉米生长情况。